Development of assessment methodology

If the company plan to performe assessment and development activities, it is necessary to consider the assessment methods implementation or tailored instruments development, such as tests, questionnaire, development guidelines etc.

Assessment methods could be divided into two blocks:

Face-to-face assessment

  • Asessment center;
  • Competency based interview.

Online assessment

  • professional tests;
  • ability tests;
  • personal questionnaires.

Assessment center

Assessment center is a structured procedure of watching people in the situations that are very close to those appearing at work, and assessment of their behavior in such situations.

During the assessment center a group of participants perform different exercises monitored by professional observers, who evaluate each participant in accordance with a range of predefined behavior examples (competencies) directly related to work. What is considered to be the right behavior and what is wrong is defined in advance. The decision on whether participants’ results meet the requirements is taken during the integral session (when all of the results are brought together) via analysis of all data.

The aim of the assessment center is to evaluate participants’ competencies objectively. It is mostly the exercises imitation day-to-day work situations that are imitated within assessment center, but it is also possible to include competency based interview and psychometric methods.

We recommend using the Business Exercise Catalog for Evaluation and Development Centers.

This is the most comprehensive catalog that includes a wide range of business exercises. The catalog contains exercises developed by the British company A&DC – one of the world leaders in the field of competency assessment and leadership development. The exercises were translated and adapted to Russian realities by Detech consultants.

Competency based interview

A structured interview, evaluating the level of competency development via analysis of the real behavioral examples from professional and common life experience of the participant. Simple, high-technological and affordable assessment method.

Professional tests

Short series of question concerning the knowledge of the following:

  • corporate standards;
  • norms, regulations, workinstructions;
  • safety instructions (for each professional group).

Ability test

  • series of short tasks, based on texts and schemes;
  • fixed time;
  • defined correct answers.

Personal questionnaires

DEEP Questionnaire

An instrument of complex personality assessment, tuned to Client’s competencies;

DEEP Drivers motivational questionnaire

Aimed to define the factors influencing the person’s motivation at work and inducing him/her to put maximum effort to fulfill his/her responsibilities, or demotivating him/her.

DEEP Integrity Questionnaire

Evaluates risks of fraud and unproductive behavior;

DEEP Safety Questionnaire

Evaluates risks of unsafe behavior (e.g. on production sites).

Where do the competencies come from?

Competencies modelling is one of the most problematic areas is personnel assessment and development.

First of all corporate competencies model is the basis lying under most of the HR processes, and secondly  it should be easy to use during the assessment via both special methodics (assessment center) and at work-place observation.

What we may suggest?

  1. Development of competency model for the company as a whole, single department or even a certain position.
  2. Expert analysis, validation and correction of existing competencies model in order to solve the following problem: check how well does the existing competencies model suit the business needs and the strategic goals of the company or the fast changing market circumstances, and update the model.
  3. Adaptation of the international competencies model to the Russian market in order to increase the effectiveness of the corporate competencies model in terms of Russian market and environment.
  4. Consulting and help in competencies model implementation. We provide recommendations on the use of competencies model and the ways of of ots implementation. We hold seminars on the use of competencies model in personnel recruitment and assessment, attestation and the formation of effective team.  Our consultants will both accompany the implementation of competencies model and consult during the first steps of its use.
  5. Competencies modelling technology transfer. For optimization of the implementation cost we teach the methods of the work analysis and transfer the technology to the client.
  6. Providing the standard competencies model to solve different HR problems in case of limited resources for competencies model elaboration or its adaptation (for example if it is necessary to perform assessment but there is no time for competencies model elaboration).

We suggest using “20 dimensions” competencies model for these aims (standard).

For those clients who want to elaborate the competencies for the whole company or for the certain positions we suggest a unique instrument for competencies model elaboration.

Pallete of competencies

Палитра компетенций

  • allows to model the competencies for any level of specialists and managers;
  • is elaborated for Russian business;
  • considers 3 levels: specialists, managers and top-managers;
  • contains a list of positive and negative behavioral indicators for each of the competencies;
  • significantly saves the resources spent on corporate competencies model elaboration and implementation.

All specialists involved in assessment and development procedures may use “Pallette of competencies” in their work. Along with the competencies modelling it may be used in personnel recruitment and work efficiency evaluation.

Personnel assessment services
Why us
International expertise
Over 18 years of experience
500+ clients
150,000+ people have been assessed
Technology transfer to clients
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