Assessment of top managers and executives


Usually, the need for an external independent evaluation of top managers arises when deciding on the appointment and when developing a development program.

It hardly needs to be explained that any decision related to senior management, in fact, determines the fate of the organization.


The Detech group of companies has been evaluating top managers for many years. It is important to understand that in top positions a significant, often decisive role is played not only by professional knowledge and skills, but also by value orientations, personal potential, motivation, to what extent all this corresponds to the values of the organization, its culture, and strategic goals. Practice shows that the combination of various evaluation methods gives the greatest accuracy in predicting the future success of the top.

Method What we assess Results for the organization
Ability Tests The ability to quickly assimilate new information and draw correct conclusions from it. Potential for systems thinking. Understanding how quickly the candidate will understand new issues for himself, how quickly and accurately he will determine the essence of the problems.
Personal questionnaire Personal traits that determine the potential for the development of various competencies.
Styles of behavior in a team, styles of leadership and subordination.
Stressors and career destructors.
Understanding the strengths and areas for development of the candidate, which competencies have the greatest potential for development.
Understanding what type of people must be present in the team of this leader.
Motivational questionnaire Motivators and demotivators. The presence of what factors will encourage the candidate to work with maximum involvement.
Deficiency of what factors can negatively affect motivation.
In-depth interview Competences, values, motivation. An understanding of the extent to which the candidate has shown the necessary competencies in the past, what are his strengths and areas for development
Understanding how the candidate’s values coincide with the values of the company.
Assessment Center The level of development of competencies, how they are translated in actual behavior. Understanding the level of development of the necessary competencies at the moment, the individual specifics of the candidate, strengths, development needs and risks.
Based on the results of the assessment, a comprehensive report is prepared. If several candidates are assessed, then a comparative analysis is made on them.

Based on the results of the assessment, a comprehensive report is prepared. In case several candidates have been assessed, then a comparative analysis is made.

Personnel assessment services
Why us
International expertise
Over 18 years of experience
500+ clients
150,000+ people have been assessed
Technology transfer to clients
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