Analysis of the root causes of violations


A lack of understanding or incorrect identification of the root causes leading to violations in occupational health and safety sector, accidents and incidents, does not make it possible to effectively structure work on the prevention of violations.

Our research shows that even when conducting investigations, up to 13% of the root causes are not identified or are identified incorrectly.


We analyse the root causes of violations based on the materials of investigations, using the content analysis method, furthermore the root cause has the following indicia:

  1. It is clearly the underlying cause of the problem.
  2. There are no more profound causes for its occurrence
  3. It can be eliminated.
  4. Its elimination will not generate even bigger problems and side effects.
  5. There is no “better” alternative cause.

Analysis of root causes discloses problem areas in investigations conducted at the company and in the actual classification of root causes. For example, at one of the organisations a classifier of root causes consisting of more than 140 points was used. It goes without saying that such an approach does not work in real life.

As a result of the analysis of root causes, the Client will obtain:

  1. A rating of root causes based on the extent of their prevalence.
  2. The most striking cases illustrating the impact of root causes.
  3. Recommendations on how to eliminate the root causes.
  4. Recommendations on how to improve the procedure for the investigation, analysis and classification of root causes.
Services on the safety culture

Why us

International expertise
Over 18 years of experience
500+ clients
150,000+ people have been assessed
Technology transfer to clients

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