Establishment of a safe production culture


Unfortunately, in a number of organisations the safe production culture consists primarily of declarations. The documents and websites of organisations proclaim that “Safety is our key priority”. However, in actual fact, everything is not so rosy.

Even surveys conducted on the development level of a safe production culture do not always provide the actual picture, as employees do not explain the actual situation, but instead state what managers want to hear from them.


Assessment level of a safe production culture.

We have extensive expertise in developing assessment tools and different types of questionnaire methodologies.

Through the unique combination of standard and ipsative approaches, quantitative and qualitative methods, drawing on large-scale research that we have conducted on social desirability and even the psychology of deceit, we can see the true picture in the safe production culture and understand the actual strengths and problems of an enterprise.

Assessment of the level of the safe production culture may be combined with assessment of employee satisfaction with the organisation in general.

Safety as a value – establishment of the safety culture, implementation of value-based management.

Our company has significant experience of implementing value-based management at the most varied organisations, inter alia, in production companies.

The success of projects is guaranteed by the intricate research work conducted prior to implementation, while the implementation methods imply the engagement of all the organisation’s employees at all levels.

As a result of the implementation of a safety culture at an enterprise in the mining and metals sector, not only did the number of identified violations per 100,000 hours contract 1.5 times: labour productivity also increased. In addition, this shows that safe work can deliver production efficiencies.

Services on the safety culture

Why us

International expertise
Over 18 years of experience
500+ clients
150,000+ people have been assessed
Technology transfer to clients

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